Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Feathered Birds (example of mixed media)

Step 3
Project length: 50-60 minutes
Audience: 1st Grade
  -white school glue
  -googly eyes
  -pencil, colored pencils or markers
  -colored construction paper for body 
    & beak
  -white card stock or construction paper for the background

These 3 examples were displayed to visually demonstrate the steps involved in the project.
Step 2
The two body parts were pre-cut for the students. They glued the body and beak down onto a piece of paper. Next a googly eye was added.
Step 1
We then passed out feathers of all colors and shapes, and sizes that weren't too small or too big for this project. Some students used all of one color, or used several different colors. (The teacher provided the students with a helpful limitation/recommendation of 8 feathers each, which helped the students narrow down their choices and stay within our time frame.)
The students then used a pencil or markers to add some background or other details.

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