What art supplies do we have?

Shorewood PTA provides up to $1K of art supplies each year to support the volunteer-based art docent program.  Volunteers and teachers are welcome to use supplies located in the two marked cabinets on the 2nd floor in the north pod. Art prints are filed in alphabetical order by artist last name in the long, low cabinet by the window (same pod). 

In addition to the media and supplies in these cabinets, art docents may use construction paper and tissue paper from the school work room. Clay, tools and glazes are located in a locked cabinet below the display case leading to the cafeteria. Curriculum, lesson plans and additional paper and collage resources are stored below the first two display cabinets in the lobby.  Keys for the lobby area cabinets can be requested from the front office.

Since the art supplies were displaced from the former Community Room in fall 2015 to make space for an additional classroom, docents and teachers must take care to access the kiln before or after school, during recess and lunch or by arrangement with the Learning Resource Center teacher Paula Franzen.

Here is an inventory list of art supplies in the community room, from art lesson books, famous artwork, tempera and watercolor paints, watercolor paper, block printing supplies, clay and glazes, metalworking tools, fine and super fine Sharpies, water and paint containers and brushes... AND an easy-to-use electronic KILN!

List of Supplies (Needs to be updated due to move out of Community Room!)
Here is the link for the supplies list, last updated in Oct/Nov 2014:

Let us know if art supplies get low
Please email art@shorewoodpta.org and we will forward your question or request for supplies to be replenished to an available PTA volunteer for response.

Supplies not on hand, that are needed for an art project, may be purchased (within reason) and the receipt submitted with a reimbursement request form to the treasurer via the PTA mailbox in the workroom.  You will receive a check from Shorewood PTA.

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