Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chalk Pastel Planets

The 5th graders were learning about planetary bodies so we incorporated a space theme into this project. We used black paper and chalk pastels

Students were instructed to use light and shadows (the sun as the light source) to create the illusion of a 3rd dimension. 

Because chalk pastels will easily smudge, it helps to cover the final project with hairspray which acts as a fixative. (We recommend good ventilation for this part.)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Welcome to our first art docent blog!

I'm trying blogger out to see if it might work for our needs and allow multiple art docents to publish projects and categorize them by grade and media. If I had a project to post, I could describe the process here and add photos like this.  I can also categorize using multiple labels that can be listed in the menu (on the left-hand side in this format).  We can change the look and many things about this blog template.

If we use a lesson from another website, we will need to credit them and post a link.
Let me know if you think this might work?

"Creole Dancer" by Henri Matisse.

A link with a good photo of Matisse using scissors:
